Thursday, July 19, 2012

two harvest in three days

(There were another ten yukons last night but I forgot to snap a photo.)

So the heatwave is finally over! We had another week of 90* temps (on the coast!) and incredible humidity.
But the garden likes it.
The green beans have been so prolific I can barely keep up. And the zucchini plants have hit their peak, where if you don't pick them when they're perfect and tiny, then they triple in size overnight.
The gladiolus are going nuts. I've cut about seven and they are just beginning. They bloom in succession by color. Every one so far has been a rich orangey red and the ones budding up now look pink.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

garlic harvest

Twenty-two heads (minus a few early ones I snatched) on the front porch to cure in the shade! Half look perfect half are starting to bust out of the bulb, so I guess I could have harvested last week.
This garlic came from a friend of my mom's and is supposedly a Sicilian heirloom. Whatever it is, it smells so sweet and perfumey and unlike the potent stink of grocery store garlic.

Monday, July 9, 2012

the hard truth

I have to fess up that keeping with succession planting and diligent weeding is too much for me this summer. The manure spread in the spring has done less for the mammoth thriving produce that i'd hoped for and more for encouraging thick green grass to grow between everything.
I guess I've done alright so far, with several small harvests and lots of cut flowers, considering it's still early July. But it's been hot and the season seems two weeks ahead so I'm looking at the beds and the ambitious hobbyist in me thinks I can rip out all the weeds and spent plants, and replace them all with a new blanket of carrot seed, potatoes, and squash. Alas, the busy young mother in me knows I'll be lucky if I can get the place weed-whacked and hope that my red chipolinis don't get COMPLETELY choked out!
Champagne problems. Look at my pretty snaps!