Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 crop list

I'm planning to order my seeds the first week in February. I'm ordering from Botanical Interest (BI), Fedco (F), Sandhill Preservation (SH), and Wood Prairie Farm (WP), as well as some seeds from last year (ly) that I've been storing in the fridge. Here goes:

Beets - Gourmet Blend (BI)
Carrots - Mokum (F)
             Scarlet Nantes (ly)
Swiss Chard - 5 color silverbeet (BI)
Bok Choy - Shuko Pac Choi (F)
Green Beans - tavera (WP) & (ly)
Shell Beans - Vermont cranberry (SH)
Tomatoes - Cherokee purple (SH)
                  Box car Willie (SH)
                  Hillbilly (SH)
                  San Marzano (ly)
                  Pink brandywine (ly)
Peppers - poblano (BI)
               Joelene's red (WP)
Parsnips - Harris model (F)
Summer Squash - gentry (F)
Zucchini - Raven (F)
Butternut - Waltham (WP)
Broccoli - Fiesta (F)
Cauliflower - snow crown (F)
Cabbage - (ly)
Sweet potatoes - assorted bush types (SH)
Pumpkins - Howden (F)

Sunflowers - Goldy Honey Bear (BI)
                   Mammoth Russian (BI)
                   Elves Blend (BI)

I'll buy my potatoes and onion sets at a local garden supply, Agway. I'll pick up zinnia and nasturtium seeds here and there, and probably get most of my herbs and kale as seedlings from the garden center.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

This year I'm going to try starting seeds in egg cartons. My house
has very little to offer in the way of south facing windows. I was
thinking about how to get away without germination heat pads or
lights, which I can't afford. I thought maybe smaller seed cells would
require less surface heat and light. So I poked some holes for
drainage and I'll put them away until next month.

There's a blanket of snow outside but all I can think about is
warm dirt!

first seed catalog for 2010

   Yesterday my first 2010 catalog came from Johnny's! I've leafed through once and circled a few things. I might add endive (specifically frisee) to my planting list. This year I'm going to try not to buy seed from anyone with Monsanto ties. And although that means no actual buying from Johnny's, I can still use their catalog for inspiration!
   Here's a link I use to help figure out who is Monsanto free and who isn't. If you know of any others please share!