Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lots to catch up on

Here are the 2 new beds ready to be filled and a bad picture of my
broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower seedlings.

I've actually done a huge chunk of Spring work so far. The 2 old beds
have been turned, amended with manure and lime, and restrung. I've
also planted in them: spinach, carrots, bok choy, radish, beets and
Swiss chard. The radish and chard have germinated! We had 4 straight
days of rain over the weekend so that blue tarp was bought to cover
the bed with most of the seeds. I think it did the trick because when
I took it off it didn't look too disturbed.

I've sown indoors my tomatoes, peppers, herbs and cotton. The herbs
are sprouting but look sort of pathetic (I never can do herbs right).
But the tomatoes! The Hillbillies sprung up in days! And now the Box
Car Willie's are right behind. My god, those are the greatest tomato
names possible. I also threw a bunch of Peony Poppy seeds in the front
garden. Who knows?

Finally, the winter sowing is coming along. I added a couple bottles
of lupine and marigolds - all doing well. This week I'll do my final
jugs with some Heavenly Blue Morning Glories. Wintersowers recommend
that you start them late because they grow so fast. They're for my mom
so hopefully they'll be decent by mother's day.

The weather is so incredibly perfect this week that I'm trying to line
up all the machos in my family to help till the new patch on the other
side of the yard. Luckily they work for food.

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