Tuesday, June 15, 2010

spinach and tomatoes

The spinach started bolting so I uprooted everything and harvested a
huge bowl of perfect leaves. We had a lot of spinach salad with dinner
tonight. I turned a little manure where the spinach had been and
planted 6 basil seedlings and one orange bell pepper. That leaves me
with 1 empty spot! That's valuable real estate.

My tomatoes, as well as everything else, has grown tremendously the
past few rainy days. Apparantly I didn't stake them in time though
because the wind bent over the 6 or 8 plants on the eastern most side.
They are all San Marzanos and they suffered some stalk-crack being
bent over. I put cages around them and I'm hoping they'll mend
themselves without me having to splint them.
As a side note, I can't believe how early the Cherokee Purples are
fruiting! Several plants have golf ball sized fruit already.

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